Legal, Taxes / 22.05.2023

During these times of high inflation, many cash-challenged businesses have bartered for goods and services instead of paying dollars for them. Companies that get involved in such transactions need to keep in mind that the fair market value of goods they receive is taxable income....

Budgeting, COVID-19, Legal, Taxes / 29.03.2021

About a year ago, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was launched in response to the COVID-19 crisis. If your company took out such a loan, you’re likely curious about the tax consequences — particularly for loans that have been forgiven. Forgiveness criteria An eligible recipient may have...

Legal, Taxes / 19.02.2021

Many people might think about moving to another state. However, it’s important to consider the tax ramifications before doing so. This article urges readers to identify all applicable taxes in a destination state and recommends being prepared to meet the legal requirements for establishing domicile....

Taxes / 23.02.2018

The domestic production activities deduction provides a tax break for certain “domestic production activities.” Unfortunately, many businesses tend to overlook it because they believe the tax break applies only to a few industries. This article points out that the deduction remains available to a wide...